The War on Works
It seems to me there is a lot of confusion surrounding the faith vs. works disagreement between Protestant and Catholic Soteriology. There are distinctions between homophonic definitions and the rhetoric continually gets stuck here. Let us begin there: "Works" as actions in general, without faith being necessary, including all human actions, whether morally good, neutral, or sinful. These works may stem from natural abilities and dispositions but lack salvific value apart from faith and grace. Without the proper orientation toward God, even virtuous actions remain within the natural order and cannot justify a person (cf. Isaiah 64:6). "Works" as actions ad salutem to human cooperation with the grace of God, where one’s actions are oriented toward forming virtue, disposing the soul to receive the infused virtue of justice (justifying grace) but are not themselves the cause of justification (cf. Ephesians 2:8-10). "Works" as actions ex salutem or from h...