Defining Surrender and Applying it Well
The proposed course of correction to Carter Carruthers, "Chronic Pursuit of Instant Gratification", Vivat Agnus Dei, November 24, 2024 . If you have ever had an in-depth spiritual conversation with a spiritual director, minister, a friend who is reading the saints, or even a recovering addict, odds are you have/will have heard the word "surrender" at least 5 times in the course of that conversation. Given the fact this word can begin to seem like vocal clutter solution more than a real term or concept or an opportunity to be dismissive of your trials (or effects of the sins others have committed against you), and how essential this concept appears to be in such conversations, it is well worth presenting at least an attempt at defining surrender. In consulting Scripture, the Magisterium, and 12-step group texts, it seems that surrender is best understood as the following sentences delimit: Surrender is the grace-filled act of aligning one’s will with God’s, born of ...