The Source of all Sadness

At the very source of all our problems lies, the first cause of all that bad, unjust, deplorable, sad, and painful: sin.
"Every tree also which God planted in Paradise is assuredly good. Man did not therefore strive after an evil nature when he touched the forbidden tree; but by deserting what was better, he committed an evil deed." Saint Augustine

What is so bad about sin? Is it really that bad? I am not hurting anyone but me, why does it matter? The question "why not?" is the most frequently answered either incorrectly or insufficiently The way the world understands happiness is likewise inexhaustive and incorrect. The world recommends we do what we enjoy doing and whatever it takes to do it that we may have life and it to the full. Many, if not, most people follow this recommendation. It has a modicum of truth in it, however, it may as well be completely false. God wants us to be happy with (not only through) what we do, yes. However, not for its own sake. After a few decades of that being the Gospel according to the world, suicide has become among the top 10 most frequent causes of death. However, far less think about the cause of suicide. All causes of death are a failure of health, in regards to at least the physical. However, the human is more than a body, a clump of well-ordered cells, and even matter. No animal is capable of what man is capable of, and none use their capability to end their own life. It is pretty clear that suicide is not a naturally ordered act. If the correlation between the rise of suicide and the acceptance of the idea of "be who/what you want, do what you want and you shall be happy" continues to go unconsidered, then more lives are at stake. It is not just correlation but causation. Society is wrong, sin is evil, and our disordered delights are not going to make life better.

First, as a Catholic, the idea of the evil of sin is dead obvious. Yet, in times of temptation, our thought process is altered. That action we knew was evil becomes desirable. We then hear the message of society saying it will make you happy. We commit whatever we were tempted to, anger, lust, pride, gluttony, avarice, envy, and/or sloth. We thereby do the very thing we hate. Then as the consequence comes to bear, we realize it either was not sufficient to answer the desire, it never solved the problem, and/or caused worse problems. What can we do then? More?

Second, society is wrong about this, surer than the sunrise. What can we do? We have nothing to save us from our struggles nor even lighten them but only make them grow/multiply. Or do we? The idea of God by this point is so far from the average person it is no longer close to relevant. After all, "the only thing religion does is limit freedom by imposing rules and morality", another incorrect assumption! religious "oppression" has not increased and yet unhappiness has. If one honestly stops to consider the direction things have moved and are moving, then we notice things are not as they have seemed. If sin hurts you it will come to hurt others, if not immediately. 

Third, happiness does not consist of chasing our appetites. On the contrary, it is the appetites we must seek to be free from. The culture spends its time telling us all we need is pleasure, wealth, power, and/or honor. It is the constant pursuit of these that weary us and makes us more attached to what we have, what people think about us, what we can control, and the best of our sensical experience. Following what God asks for us does not limit us! It transforms us to be something greater than we ever could have been on our own. Being a disciple of Christ draws us to love and be loved, if not now then after we die. After one realizes that God loves us and wants what's best for us, one begins to realize that freedom from God is freedom from life (death). 

In conclusion, man is not purely biological but has many interrelated aspects of being. The soul is affected by the body and the body by the soul. If we would wish to be free of that which ails us, then we should consult God, Who is able to save us. It is not easy but it is worth it. It may be difficult but it is not sad. Let us act as if it were only God and ourselves (including God found in others). Let us be free of what holds us to earth, and cling to what holds us to God. The is no way many can find happiness in themselves but in God and others. God does not impose rules for the sake of control but for our benefit. Make no mistake, sin is the source of our problems and it is contrary to the good of all creation.

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