Evil and Nonbeing

"Sin, or unrighteousness, is not the striving after evil nature but the desertion of better" - St. Augustine [1]

At the end of the Doctor Strange movie, the antagonists realize their desire for eternal life. Of course, the movie is not Christian by any means, and in fact, maybe Gnostic. However, there is an important principle here. We are made to live forever. Where and how well are the most important questions we often miss. Indeed, we choose eternal life or death in this life. The choice of life is very specific: your calling an invitation from God which fulfills you in the most specific ways you need. The choice of death (which ultimately becomes a perpetual state simply with a minimum of life): is broad and one size fits all; there is a number of ways to live like this, however, none can satisfy even if for a moment. What exactly is meant by this “death”? Spiritual is different than physical. 

God is existence. God is love. Love is an act that reveals our likeness to God. We were made in His image and likeness. Therefore, in the measure we love, we exist to the capacity we were created for. To love then is to exist. In the measure the creation exists in accord with the intentions of its Creator, it acts in its purest, truest, greatest, and most beautiful mode. Further, the Creator can and will make the greatest use of His creation; bringing from it something that itself could not predict, nor thus accomplish on its own. The Creation then accomplishing something beyond itself in harmony with its Creator, lives and lives best.

The angels also were given this choice. Some chose this life but others chose not God. In the measure then that they chose to not serve nor live in accord with God they chose “death”. How to sense the spiritual does not pass away, they only chose the minimum of existence or the maximum of nonexistence. God did not create evil because it is a void of something. Likewise, it makes no sense to attempt to fill a void with something that itself is void. This is why addiction is unhealthy and irrational. Thus when we choose to act in contrariety to God, we worsen our condition. God has created us from love and being omniscient; knows and recommends what is best for us. Thus, if it is true happiness we seek, it will not be found in sin.

In conclusion, where are we going? Upon the eschaton, we have two choices, and the choices we make now anticipate our direction. We should not act as though sin has no effect because it does, our sin affects others. Our choice between existence and nonexistence is not insulated nor isolated from the rest of the world. Let us be cognizant of our actions and with what we act in accord because one day shall be our last. The antagonists in Doctor Strange were so caught up in attaining what they wanted, then they did, but they did not expect that it was not good for them. Let us follow the One who actually knows and wills what is our good. The picture I used above is a black hole, these are a perfect analogy for evil's ontology. Evil feeds on good and is a curving in on oneself. Black in fact is an absence of light and white contains all colors. Darkness absorbs the good, and much like the Doctor Strange movie, evil feeds on the good whether it be a good or the good of others. Evil is a taking of a good, life dignity, something in place of God, etc. As the light around a black hole, the good is misused/abused/perverted things are used against their designed purpose, in excess, and/or turned against other goods.

  1. Augustine of Hippo, De natura boni, 34, trans. Albert H. Newman, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: First Series, ed. Philip Schaff, vol. 4, St. Augustine: _On The Nature of the Good_, Ch. 1-40 (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature, 1887), at New Advent, www.newadvent.org.
Oh God, You know my heart,
guide it to you and let me see how good Thou art.
All we could ever want or need You are.
Do not let us from Thou far.

I am he who is not,
when I fall short of loving Thee as I ought.
I long to be,
only mercy can restore me to Thee.

It is my tendency to wander,
let it be this that I ponder,
that is nothing that I can take
which you did not make.

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