“The Little Way”/Narrow Path of Love

So many saints were essential structural members of the Church and vital organs to the body of Christ. Though darkness sought their life they conquered the world with God’s love and spread like a torrent his grace. What are our lives like? Do we feel anxious as we reflect on the significance of the Biblical characters and the saints? Let us not lose ourselves in pretending our life is more or less significant than anyone else’s. God does not instantly call us to such greatness and neither did He do so with the saints. Rather, He constantly draws toward/asks one thing of us and that shall lead us on.

What were we made to do? Love. This word means something different than what it is thought to mean these days because it is thought to mean the direction of sexual/emotional attraction. This is just not the case. Rather this love is willing the good of others in a way that does not consider one’s own good relevant. This workable definition can lead us on in Loving God and neighbor because it is something we choose and something that chooses us. Whether we are actually a good person, have purpose and meaning, and if we are just randomly are either answered by or made irrelevant by love. Love gives the deepest value of all things. Even taking out the trash can deepen one’s relationship with God and others.

In conclusion, let us follow love. Love will guide us to the deepest answers to our desires if we first renounce ourselves and live for others. The universe may appear to but certainly does not revolve around us (this was established hundreds of years ago). Everything can become a moment of communion with God if we let it. We are no anymore needed than the next person, and all the same, we have the same dignity and value. Our lives can be transformed and healed by the correct definition of love or destroyed by the modern one. What do you choose?

God, the Author of Humanity,
brings us salvation through sanity.
Fulfillment of our being
does not come through what is seen.

We cannot work our salvation
but become Him who is our salvation.
It is not just faith nor is it just works
Do we consider living only for God something with worth?

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