Love must be Communicated

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What good is loving someone if they don’t know it? It is one thing to love unconditionally and with great intensity in your mind and heart, it is another to reveal it in action. God, Himself, communicates His love to us constantly in His providence in addition to the history we read about in Sacred Scripture. Never did Christ abandon our adulterous hearts but rather never ceases to win them back because “no one is good except God alone”(Mark 10:18). Love, by its nature, is self diffusive and therefore must be expressed in a way that the beloved can detect it and it is the part of the beloved to try to detect.

God loves His people from the beginning. When He ransomed Israel from its captors, they groaned and complained. "O how oppressive was God to bring them into the desert?", etc. The beloved here took the ransom for granted and hated the lover because of what was taken instead of what was given. The beloved failed here because instead of adhering to God and trusting in his love they continued to seek a different god. The opposite here is to recognize one's lack of fidelity in our friendships, intimate relationships, and our relationships with God, and to appreciate not where it seems we are betrayed but rather loved. This is especially important in light of the fact that in a world befell by sin, betrayal is the baseline to be expected. Rather, than abhorring the bad we are to appreciate the good, not for what think it is or wants it to be but for what it is. This is the virtue of piety not falling in love with goods but their sources.

It is necessary for the beloved to be pious to the lover. Of course, looking back on the post-Jesus era we can become indignant at Israel's groaning but we are as guilty of this as they are. From the first sin, man had been deceived against the benevolence of his lovers and this has not changed for such is the nature of corruption. Therefore, it is the part of the lover to work against this suspicion of the beloved and help the beloved to recognize what the lover should think is obvious, one truly does love them. God, did this through the prophets foretelling Jesus, and in the most radical way through Jesus. To win man's heart, to prove his love God, gave us his Son and let us do with Him and His servants as we pleased. In our sin, we murdered Him in the cruelest stroke and Jesus returned speaking only of love, peace, and forgiveness. This is what it took to sober man from the lies believes. This is the part of the lover not to hide behind platitudes but to love where, when, and how it hurts, or else it is not love.

In conclusion, is love convenient? Truly the transformation of the meaning of suffering may be cited here, but also to remain sober of the lies we have come to believe we must endure the real. Lent is a particular opportunity to enter into the Christian sobriety, that what the world offers is not only fake and unsatisfying but a trap of lies. When we love do we do it only when it is easy and complain about the hard or do we use the hard to reveal the extent of our love? What will love to ask of you? What will it take to show those you love that you really do love them? Be not afraid for this the part of the Christian. To love even when those you love think you hate them and hurt them, and still be ready to welcome them home the minute the decision to love you back. Those that love us let us be ready to accept the fact they love us even when it seems they do not since evil will always make us suspicious of good. God has never ceased expressing His love for us throughout time and what new sign shall suffice that the old do not(see these verses: Numbers 21:4-9, Matthew 16:4, Matthew 12:39, Isaiah 40:28-31; Luke 16:27-31)? Thomas Aquinas is quoted as saying," To the one who has faith no explanation is needed, and to the one who has not none is sufficient."

I hide from you my lover,
Whenever I see you I search for cover.
What will you do to me?
How will you hurt me

I trust once and it was a lie,
I think about it and I just cry.
The words reverberate in my heart,
does love really exist in any part?

What is this you have done for me?
How is it You did for me?
Is this love?
Could it be?

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