Complaining and its Dangers

In a world of corruption, there is so much to complain about. it is very likely if there is a human involved, there is something that could be done better. This is especially true where faith-based organizations are concerned. Sometimes what makes an organization or effort good is what is most disliked. As much as it is true that things can be criticized, we are all subject to both advantages and disadvantages of a decision or set of decisions. Any attempt we ourselves would make to make things as we feel they ought to will be no less subject to criticism and will have at least as many flaws. There is a dimension to complain that is pure pride and another that describes something true/valid. The truth is if we become too attached to "armchair" criticism, we soon believe we are the solution to the problem, our hearts become bitter, and we begin to forget the good in favor of being right.

First, the good nature of complaining recognizes where to improve, however, not always is it possible in the way we think. The tendency to over-simplify the situation is one of the major problems with complaining or armchair criticism. Very often we underestimate or downplay the altruistic nature of the service of others, which does not mean that they are always well-motivated either. It does mean we need to investigate and understand the nature of the problem rather than assuming all are antagonists, and we alone are protagonists. We were not formed in a vacuum, even in the purely biological sense, our flourish is found in harmony with others, not violent individualism. Teamwork and diplomacy accomplish a lot more than complaining.

Second, we are meant for love, reducing others to productive mechanisms, is not humane. Never forget under any circumstances the human, son/daughter of God in front of you. They are not an obstacle to the kingdom of God but a means. Even though there are times they forget this. If there is anyone that has hurt us or done evil, it is not because they are bad but because they are hurting and finite. When we complain too much or with something more a therapeutic expression, outcome, or intent. We hurt people. We were made good, we want to be good, but we fail. This is the nature of the problem, and at the end of the day, this will be the cause of our complaint whatever it concerns.

In conclusion, if we are to get ahead of "the problem", complaining must either be therapeutic (directed to confidants who know better than to spread gossip and also are able to admonish our arrogance) or directly ordered to the improvement it suggests through diplomacy. Very often it is the case that, most especially with armchair criticism, we lack the full picture and don't have the ability to correct it if we did. Thus, very often all complaining accomplish is at worst gossip or make us more bitter and at best helps us to accept the dysfunction that is proper to fallen man. Sometimes we are justly angered, but even then, it is what we do with that anger that is paramount. " Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil." (Ephesians 4:26-27) This being said, complaining ought to be replaced with diligence where possible, do it in prayer and maybe to a trustworthy confidant, and then realize God's will is done with or without us. God is not the cause of any evil, and everything is here for the glory of God and our salvation, at the same time always and everywhere.

Written by Carter Carruthers & also available soon at Missio Dei

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